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Fio: August - December

Fio, naturally, was a hit. An instant sensation. Media clamored over her outrageously large bust. There was a blaze of controversy around Fio’s modesty. Her body was simply too lewd and immodest to be displayed publicly, some argued. Others argued that you can’t ban the way a person looks, and that the world needs to get used to the growing population of generously endowed people. Regardless of such, any press is good press, as the adage went. The underwear sold out across the nation.

As her fame grew, so did her career, and of course, so did her bust. Some days Fio could tell she was a few cup sizes larger than the day before, and some days she could tell she stayed the same. The result was the same, in the end; whenever it came time for a photoshoot it was revealed that she was over-endowed for the clothing she had been given to model.

Larger and larger the clothing got, made with enough fabric to clothe a dozen ordinary people. Larger and larger her breasts became, with enough flesh and mass to break scales. Without support, Fio’s breasts hung to her knees and made walking difficult. Basic tasks became nearly impossible, and an entourage of assistants was provided to ensure she could live comfortably.

By the end of the year, Fio’s breasts had grown so large they grazed the floor as they bounced to her gait. Her nipples rivaled her head in size and remained jarringly sensitive. It was a miracle (or so everyone thought at the time) that Fio never suffered any back problems. No ill health ever plagued her, and it seemed to the world that she was a goddess from heaven.


James Dougell

I'm so glad this remained a happy story for Fio. She's positively lovely and I love how you've developed this!