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Ziegler: How is my fraulein doing?

Song: Um, I’m doing okay, I guess. I just never knew how heavy these could get!

Ziegler: Ah, you must remember they are about 20% denser due to all of ze nanobots.

Song: R-right. Nanobots. Was this supposed to happen?

Ziegler: Nein, but no need to worry. Just some temporary side effects. See, I’ve got them too. What’s important is that our wounds are healed and we’re in tip top shape.

Song: Our shapes are tip top alright! I can’t even fit in my uniform, let alone my mech. How am I supposed to pilot Tokki with… these?

Ziegler: Do not worry, they’ll go down in size. Eventually. For now, you’re not in any discomfort are you?

Song: I… I guess not.

Ziegler: And how do they feel? I noticed you could not stop playing with them like one of your video games.

Song: I’m not playing with them! They just feel… good. A little too good.

Ziegler: Ah, good is good! Well, here is your room. Be sure to get plenty of rest, okay? I’ll check on you in the morning.

Song: Hey Angela?

Ziegler: Yes?

Song: I was wondering… you wouldn’t mind being my Player 2 tonight, would you?

Zieger: Ah, it would be my pleasure.




You are going to kill me with these beauties and stories my friend.


Would love to read more!

James Dougell

Your stories are what keep bringing me back man


Most excellent!


They both have filled up nicely. :3