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Growing Pains

Lisa paused for a moment to catch her breath in the comfortable spring air. Her lithe figure and toned thighs screamed healthy and fit, however she was carrying more than the usual fare today. Between her thighs was the doorway to her womanhood, plump and large such that it was the size of a basketball (more aptly a tall, double-wide, extra large doorway). This engorged pussy kept rubbing together as she walked - which while not unpleasant, was incredibly distracting. She huffed as she tried to look down at her crotch, but saw the view was blocked by two firm breasts the size of volleyballs that had sprung out over the last few days.

The freckled redhead made sure the streets were fairly devoid of people before she bent over to get a better look at herself. Lisa’s breasts flopped out of her tight shirt as she bent over - which had grown so large no standard bra could fit them, and had grown so fast none could be made fast enough. Their light pink areola matched the blush Lisa wore on her cheeks. The young woman gave them a squeeze with her pale hands - her breasts were firm, fatty, and a far cry from the B-cups they were a week earlier. Tracing her outline, her hands finally moved down to her shaved crotch.

A blue short skirt did nothing to hide the soft supple flesh of her labia - it instead was busy trying to cover the massive ring of dark flesh that was her anus. The ring was the size of her gratuitously large asscheek, and it would have dominated her pelvic region if not for the gigantic, smooth pussy that sat in front of it.These two features alone were so large, the shy redhead may as well have not been wearing a skirt.

As her hand explored her pussy’s vast real-estate, it quivered in excitement; it wasn’t long until translucent juices dripped to the floor in anticipation of a good fucking. Lisa whimpered in sync to the small jolts of electricity that stormed her flesh where her fingers touched her privates. Her knees grew wobbly in that moment as a tsunami of dopamine and lust flooded the girl’s brain. Lisa uncontrollably moaned - her hand had gone on auto-pilot and sank itself deep into her cavernous womb. She fell to the ground and pulled her arm out of her vagina, though to her dismay (probably) she found it sinking itself back in. Lisa gave in to the spontaneous bout of masturbatory pleasure - the pink noise of lust blotted out all coherent thought.

The freckled redhead smiled towards the warm sun that shone upon her as she pumped her arm in and out of her swollen gateway with fanatical abandon.




Perhaps she'll feel satisfied by the time the sun goes down? XD


Great stuff! I can only cross my fingers and hope to see a 'progressed' version of her down the line. ^^

Anonymous X

This is fantastic, thanks for making a story version!