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My friend built a Vampire EDH deck and it's sorely missing a 1/1 black vampire creature token card to use with it.

Figured I'd make a little sexy one for it.



Akemi Expansions

Man, I’m definitely going to commission you for some game artwork haha

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Obligatory "I'd tap that" joke goes here.


Please do more like these?

Darth Cabbage

Almost wish I could get this printed out, and use it as an actual token creature

Stolen Goods

I am incredibly on-board with this.

Samuel Smith

great artwork as always :3


If I played Magic I'd be making this into a card!


I'm really tempted to order a set of these to use for my own personal collection, excellent work


Never use the phrase “bite me” in an argument with a hangry vampire.... There really is an intense, wild, mad beauty about her.