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Two pairs of giant tits, a triple set of cocks, and a massive ball sack all crammed into a skin tight suit and all she wants to do is suck a dick.



Mark Williams

Id love a story for this! I can only hope she obtains more “upgrades” =3


This one gave me shivers right down my spine. <3


One can only imagine the contained mess of her wearing that suit still when she blows...

Braindead Bird

Hot diggity damn, liking the new brush. Good stuff sponson!

Jack Mack

Love the hyper/multiple cocks combo. Kinda rare to see.

Anonymous X

Seconding the story request here. Or at least some kinda followup. Oof.


Sheesh, what's wrong with just wanting to suck a dick? Maybe she just had a long day of saving the galaxy and wanted to do something that didn't involve swinging around half a ton of fleshy bits. Jeez.


I guess after work she can barely contain herself.....Never-the-less, I am strangely attracted to her in an outfit (or lack thereof) that suits me just fine. Very erotic. Nicely done.