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Her Mother was human, her father a slime!




usually it's the other way around her mother was a slime, her dad was a bard...


Oh Mr. Foducool, I don't know how a slime can have a child... But, I do know how a human female can have one! Regardless of that, I cannot seem to imagine how a slime's genetic material would be able to successfully combine with the eggs inside of her and be able to create new life... Cross-Species Reproduction is one of life's most convaluted mysteries my friend. 🐝🐣


A Slime-half! Anyone else remembering Dragon Half?


I thought long and hard about whether I wanted Father Slime or Mother Slime - and not once did I think about the act of giving birth to the child! But it does make sense, a woman giving birth to a half-slime is a lot less mental gymnastics than a slime giving birth to a half-slime (as opposed to just eating the semen)?