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"Haha, whoops! Here's your medium Fappucino, sir. I accidentally overfilled it, so please enjoy the extra on the house."



Sir Kata

That's pretty hot.


Her expression is well-done, the texture and colour of her make-up are tip-top, anatomy is on point, the dick and ballsack are things you've absolutely outdone yourself on. Perhaps the only things I can say in terms of criticism is the point where her thighs melds into her hips has a bit of a strong border, and from a layman's point of view the nipple bulge in her apron looks a little off-set? Either way this is a masterpiece. I can see your Birthday left you radiant with inspiration.


You totally called me out on that nipple highlight, but I totally didn't notice the hip shading! I appreciate the constructive feedback a lot, so, thank you!