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It's pie time.



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2021-07-14 19:16:24 Marigold looks wonderful <3 And she's got sweet personality too as she was considerate enough to bring pie for the picnic.
2018-05-28 01:11:50 Marigold looks wonderful <3 And she's got sweet personality too as she was considerate enough to bring pie for the picnic.

Marigold looks wonderful <3 And she's got sweet personality too as she was considerate enough to bring pie for the picnic.


Some prefer cold potato salad, some fried chicken, others barbequed ribs, but this is by far the tastiest spread for a picnic I’ve ever seen.....The Bunny Tale of Marigold in the country on a blanket and her sweet (rabbee)* feet....well the rest is pretty sweet too.... *(Rabbit (childishly, yet lovingly, mispronounced) = Rabbee)