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 Rainy Days

It was an overcast day as Zoe shoots you a look of embarrassment - she futilely pulled her shirt down over her rapidly inflating breasts. Your eyes didn't return the gaze, instead settling on the billowing milk-making masses that could be seen a mile away. The both of you frozen on the side-walk in anticipation of what was to come.

"Ah... ah..." She made cute little moans as pressure pulsated inside her. 

"W-what do we... ah... we do?" She softly asked you. Your mind ran through possible solutions for a few seconds, all the while as her breasts swelled larger and larger. Each breast was three times the width of her waist by the time you had any idea of what to do.

You walked over and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. A brief moment later you stepped back as her breasts finally unleashed their payload. Streams of milk blasted a dozen meters into the sky as Zoe arced her back upwards in an orgasmic spasm.

It was an overcast day as it started to rain milk.



Straw (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 19:16:48 Charming little story with some cuteness along with hefty amount of lactation and expansion to it. Perfect tiny story if you ask me. :>
2018-04-30 13:41:24 Charming little story with some cuteness along with hefty amount of lactation and expansion to it. Perfect tiny story if you ask me. :>

Charming little story with some cuteness along with hefty amount of lactation and expansion to it. Perfect tiny story if you ask me. :>


I love your art and I love your stories, and I especially love when you have the stories in the same image as the art. Out of curiosity, what font do you use for these?