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You bolt out of bed in the dead of night. Blood pumping, you crash into your daughter's room ready to throw an intruder out the window. But not a hair seemed out place.

"Mom, what's happening to me?!"

Looking your daughter up and down you see nothing amiss there either.

"Stephanie, you just had a nightmare and are probably just disoriented."

"W-what? Mom - my body! Look!"

"Honey, you look fine. Now get back to bed. You've scared me half to death," you remark tiredly as you put your hand to her forehead. She's hot, but not feverishly so.

You notice her bed bowing downwards, fighting against a super heavy weight on top of it. That's strange, you think. You'll have to buy a new frame. Out of the corner of your eye you think your daughter's bits are growing bigger.

"Mom? Can't you see I'm turning into a freak?!"

It's just the darkness playing tricks on your eyes.

"That's enough!" you groan. Stephanie always had body issues, and just when you thought therapy was working it comes right back out. "Just make sure you're ready for school in the morning, okay?"



Dark Star

been enjoying the soft body horror aspects lately. good shit


Had a dream that she was back to her old self? Very interesting bit of story.