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"It's okay, Honey. Things are okay."

You look up from your hands and at your wife. She lost her arms and legs in a car accident years ago, leaving nothing but scarred stumps at the shoulders and hips. Life of course, was not the same after that. When she was selected as a candidate for regenerative gene therapy, you two were quick to sign on.

The program started with high hopes that materialized when her stumps became more than stumps. New flesh growth sprouted from where her old limbs were attached, and things looked up. For the first time after the accident you two made love.

All parts of your wife grew over the next few weeks. Her breasts plumped up and up, as well as her vagina. Her clitoris puffed out to an inch, then two, then three, then four. Horror settled in as it became apparent that the new growths weren't going to be arms and legs, but more breasts. What was once thought to be proto-fingers became, in reality, nipples as thick as an arm.

Hormones flooded her body and mind, and she thought of nothing but sex. She was soon discharged from the lab, having been deemed a failure, and you brought here home where her body continued to grow. How are you going to explain this... thing... to her siblings? Her parents? You can't hide her forever. 

"Honey? Are you there? Come on, let's make love."

You snap out of your thoughts. Dropping your pants you make your way over to your wife. Standing over her body you gaze into her beautiful eyes - she looks happy. You grab her head in both hands and slip your dick into her mouth. She greedily takes every inch of it as you begin fucking the only recognizable thing left of your wife.




Sob... It's such a beautiful story!

Buddy Camillo

Would kinda like to see a small comic about this


Would definitely make the best of the situation


Had been wondering what the background story would be. That is truly one heart wrenching bittersweet scenario you’ve got going there.


Will she continue to grow ?


Amazing story!! More multi-boob please!