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“Who wants to come to the board and solve this equation? No one? How about you, Lori?”

Right from the edge of cumming, Lori’s mind snapped to attention, as did her six dick nipples. Every pair of eyes in the classroom were fixated on her. Despite the unwanted attention each of her cocks mindlessly flexed themselves, causing their cum-filled condoms to slap against each other. Lori sported two breasts - each bean-bag sized flesh balloon weighed about 150lbs and was always painfully swollen with a cum-milk mixture. Each breast sported a trio of thigh-sized cocks in place of nipples that always drooled.

The chalkboard held all manners of equations and problems that looked vaguely solvable, but her mind had been so fixated on the football team’s quarterback it was mostly lost on her. She bit her lips in desperate thought. She knew she could do these problems if she could only concentrate for a moment. She was a bright student, straight A’s, and always eager to answer. But today all she wanted to do was hide, to cover herself and not be seen.

“I… uh, I can do it.” she stammered out, trying to ignore her body’s urges to cum.

Lori stood up, only to find her breasts had filled with so much cum-milk they stayed planted on the desk. She tried hefting them up, but found that they were slippery with juice and had a hard time getting a hold. Her face blushed red as she may as well have just been fondling herself. She changed tactics and slowly pulled away, letting each breast drop heavily from the desk. Everyone watched intently as the young woman moved slowly up the aisle to the chalkboard. She tried minimizing the jiggle and sway of her cocks and breasts with slow controlled movement - but it was no use, she had grown too large and unbalanced and everything bounced like Jell-O.

Three steps was all it took before the girl slipped on her own cum and landed on her ass. The class exploded in applause and cheers as the sudden impact set Lori off. Every dick-nipple of hers simultaneously blasted cum-milk into their condoms. The girl’s hazel eyes rolled into the back of her head as she uncontrollably moaned in ecstasy and humiliation. Her screams of sex were silenced moments later as her condoms reached capacity one by one and burst.

Lori was still cumming by the time the bell rang twenty minutes later. By then she was a writhing uniform mass of white, unrecognizable under her mountains of tits and oceans of semen. As everyone shuffled out, Lori weakly muttered,

“No... please…. I can… I can still do it.”




You've outdone yourself! I'd love to see more of this school (and is it weird that I don't think she has enough dicks?).


And here you thought your nightmare dream of being naked and unprepared in front of class at school was the most embarrassing thing that could happen....


This was terrifically hot