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Should Carmen tell Eliza to trust her and continue? Or should she go for a different approach?




I wonder how stretchy Carmen is... Perhaps that'll be the different approach? TBH, I'd actually be okay with the two of them leaving things with kissing for the end of this chapter. It'd be nice to see them take things slowly.

Dark Star

wonder how her cat tongue might feel on that?


Well kissing seemed to be quite effective so maybe more foreplay would be good for her. Some ball massaging etc? :3 Although as long as the weird feeling isn't bad could go forward with that too. Likely more exploring is in order however. And this new page is looking sweet. ^-^

Buddy Camillo

I’d say trust her but be slow about it mild cock rubbing maybe some tending to those balls


Have been trying to determine just what could possibly constitute or generate a weird feeling in this sort of situation. The only things I can come up with is: if Elizabeth still considered Carmen as more of a very dear friend and not yet so much the sexual partner Carmen might be wishing for.....or maybe it is the awkwardness of newly awakened feelings in Eliza (that she can neither hide nor dismiss in the presence of her friend) that makes her uneasy. On the other hand they both seemed eager to proceed to the next step.....perhaps it is merely time and patience is all that is required. Sort of a nice emotional tension going on here for the moment. Each, in their own way, has a certain innate winsome innocence about them.


I mean, the first time is usually pretty weird by virtue of being the first, but Carmen isn't exactly "usual". If it outright hurts, might be best to stop...


I'm inclined to go with what Stiles said, she might not have gone properly past half hard. Or it might just be not being used to stimulation.


Well, if she's never jerked off before, has she never cum? Surely she's had wet dreams? If she hasn't cum in who knows how long, cumming can feel quite weird. Maybe she just needs to clear out the pipes once or twice?


She's had wet dreams. But she's always asleep for them (duh) and so kind of just deals with the aftermath without ever really remembering the dreams and how they feel.