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I hope everyone had a fantastic New Years! Boy 2017 was both great and sucky. I worked a lot. I'm stressed a lot. Still am. I kind of want to write an introspective of 2017 but I'm so tired right now. I just want you all to know that I'm sorry I wasn't able to put out a lot of work in December. I'm bitter that anytime I seem to gather momentum on art sickness or work or whatever just comes along and puts me down.

But if everything goes according to the plans I laid out years ago... there'll be big positive changes to my life later this year. Which means more art :)




Wishing you all the best with your coming plans, Sponson. And the WIP work on the comic... Just *wow*! It looks so *good*! Sexy too, but it's really lovely work!


Hope that things turn out like planned but even if they don't we'll be here waiting patiently. :> And these two goofs are looking so adorable together. <3