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 (Mary is 22 years old)

“Mary! Are you all unpacked yet?” you ask as you open the door. You two had moved into an old house just a week ago. She was to have everything unpacked and organized by tonight. You haven’t seen her all day.

“Holy shit, dad! Can you knock?” The voice of your daughter carries those words to your ears in a jokingly casual way. You look into the room in horror and see her familiar face, but that was the only thing familiar about her. She was busy pulling a condom over a cock so big you couldn’t tell where it even began, but still it nearly touched the ceiling. Two hyper-inflated breasts sandwiched her head and body, themselves looking as taught and round as the balloons in the room. Balloons of different colors filled the room from floor to nearly ceiling. Everything was covered in large balloons, like a children’s playpen. Mary’s face twists in pure ecstasy as globs of liquid travel through her shaft and into the condom. The blue latex reservoir rounded out, and only then you realized what those “balloons” were filled with.

“OOOH~” Her moans dripped with sex. After a moment of panting she deftly pulls the filled condom off her cock and ties it up, throwing it somewhere into the pile. Mary’s face blushes a deep red as she glances down at your pants, then off to the side. You look down and see your cock raging against your pants.

“Um, I hope you’re not mad at me! The lady in my dreams turned me into this after you went to bed last night. She told me I was a bad girl, and that I had to make like, a million balloons! So I couldn’t unpa-Eeep!”

Mary’s breasts shuddered and grew slightly larger, pressing into her face a bit more. 

“Look, my outies are turning into innies!” she giggles nonchalantly. Indeed her swelling breasts were sucking in a pair of nipples larger than her head. It was then that you noticed the disgusting musk. It smelled of old cum, B.O., and warm yogurt. You wretch at the sheer thickness of the air. But somehow it gradually became more and more pleasant as you breathed it in. You stand in stunned silence as you detect hints of honey and rose.

“Oh my god, daaad! Are you just gonna watch?” She begins gyrating on what you can only assume is a dildo. She pulls out a condom from seemingly nowhere and, with a bit of reaching, slides it over her cock just in time. She cums again, laughing hysterically like someone told a good joke. “A~AAhhh!” She pulls the condom off her cock, ties it up, and throws it into the pile. She pulls yet another condom out of nowhere and dresses her cock.

“I… ah… think this i-is number… f-f-five hundred?” Mary stammers as she continues gyrating. Her eyes roll back into her head as she cums again. Milk and cum splatter all over the room as her body spasms. The smell is intoxicating, drowning your senses in lust. You take your dick into your hand as her breasts and cock expand even larger. Her moans fill the room, but are soon muffled as her head is swallowed by her expanding cleavage. All that you see now is a pair of hands deftly tying a condom up. You feel disgusting, but you begin jacking off anyway, only it feels like your cock is constantly getting an erection. You look down to see your member grow to a foot long… two feet long… a yard. You feel new cords of muscles trace through your body. 

“You’ve been a bad boy.” You swear you hear someone whisper.

You wade through the room, popping balloons full of cum on the way over. If a million balloons was what it was going to take for her to unpack, then a million was what she was going to get.




You've really outdone yourself with this one, incredible work.

James Dougell

Holy shit this is fucking amazing, and surprisingly sweet as well. Fucking A fantastic

John werder

Is there any chance of this becoming a series? If so that would be awesome