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Laura shifted uncomfortably in her waterbed, which she instantly regretted. The rippling motion caused her ginormous breasts and balls to sway around to the motion of the bed. The feeling was unbearable and Laura could feel a familiar heat rise in her. She stared at the ceiling (not that she could see over her mountains, anyway), resigning herself to this situation.

She gasped as a jolt of blood rushed into her cock, pumping it from a flaccid foot long log of meat into a semi-chubby 3 foot long worm in a second. It stretched her leggings near the point of shredding, but before she could even pull her leggings off another rush of blood blasted it upwards revealing a five foot long monster that was already wrapped with a condom. Laura's heart pounded furiously, busy making sure the cock was as painfully hard as it could be.

Shifting her legs to pin her oversized balls under her heels, Laura reached forward and elbowed her breasts to the sides of her, where they threatened to fall off edge of the bed. She placed her petite hands on the shaft of her cock and lightly pumped. After only a few motions she felt a wad of precum travel up her long shaft and into the condom reservoir. The reservoir ballooned to the size of her head in an instant, and swung like a pendulum in front of her face.

Laura sat upright and suckled on the reservoir of precum, knowing that only a thin layer of latex separated her from the clear fluid inside but desperately wanting to drink. She pumped her cock with the whole motion of her body, and the reservoir expanded. It grew and grew, and a half hour later the reservoir had grown so large and heavy it pinned Laura down to the bed and smothered her. She ran her feet up and down her cock in place of her arms which could no longer reach.

A torrent of thick cum rushed through Laura's lubricated shaft and into the reservoir. Laura screamed in bliss as the condom bubble was quickly inflated into a near perfect sphere of cum 10ft in diameter. Laura giggled between heavy breaths as she felt another rush of cum shoot out into the condom. The sphere of cum hung there for a moment - and then exploded.




As much as I lovvveee her expanded body parts I can't get over just how frikkin adorable she is!


Fuuuuuuuugggg 10/10 man jeezus.


Who could have imagined that getting goosed in the balls in such an outrageous manner could be so pleasurable.....lucky she's a futanari.....such a wonderfully atypical reaction.....love it....love her face!


At the risk of being accused of plagiarism; still got to say that she's......Winsome, Sweet and warm and winsome, Radiant as in some Dream come true.....Lovely, absolutely lovely....and maybe just a little bit deviant too....