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The flight attendant standing before you was beyond words. Well, almost. She was dominated by two bare breasts which overhung a silver platter. A set of toned arms held the platter with ease, despite each breast easily being forty five pounds each. The fat sacks jiggle with a tautness that belayed the fact that they were full of milk - and they jiggled, sometimes violently, with the light turbulence the plane was currently experiencing.

 The plane rattles again, and you swear you could hear sloshing. A voice tears you away from the swaying udders. It’s the attendant, who looks bemused at you. "Sir, I ask again, would you like a refreshment?" 



James Dougell

Dude, you are just CRANKING em out


Friendlier skies than most airline travelers currently experience...Although with inverted nipples, the hostess might make you work a little for your milk shakes.