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Clara noticed how eerily silent the area was, save for the ponderous slapping of her breasts as she trudged along the sidewalk. She felt so isolated without anyone nearby to help her. Then again, no one was around to ogle her, either. Feeling her breasts grow just another cup larger, she realized it wouldn't be long until they touched the ground.

Walking became difficult with the size and weight of her milk bags. She heaved a tit up in hopes of making it easier, but instead came from the sensation of her own fondling.

In that moment, with the pitter-patter of her girl cum hitting the pavement, she decided that it was probably best that no one was nearby.



Mark Williams

I do hope someone helps that poor girl get bigger breasts!

Dark Star

I can just imagine the involuntary bucking and shuddering of her hips and legs with that last line, ehehehe


Every story blurb from Spon is truly a blessing.


You are just so fucking god tier at writing these things oml


I am always amazed by how productive you are, we get so much content!


Based on the bra size, I think she grew a bit more than just one cup during her walk.