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A spiritual remake of the 2018 laundry girl!
Basically taking the same prompt but making it in today's style :)




Agreed, there's a more mature touch in the remake. Love both the spunk in the eyes and tone of the old one and the more sultry tone in the new. It was kinda funny how someone was talking about her being bigger in the new one and not only is she bigger but it also just feels like the same person caught her in a laundromat a year or two later. Also I was today years old when I learned a sponson is basically a big floaty you fill with either water or air to put on a ship for.... floaty purposes.


Wait a sec, I just noticed the little detail in the first speech bubble 😂! It IS the same person! That's super embarrassing, bet they went for coffee a few weeks later.


Actually, I made this new image stand-alone. There isn't supposed to be a connection outside of just being a reimagining of the scene. I changed the line to "This is super embarrassing..." because I thought it was funnier that it's embarrassing to ask for quarters, but not being buck naked in public.