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I should get 2 comic pages done today. The 5th part of the Soda TG is almost done but I think it will be delayed into the next month. I want to add a clip which isn't rendered yet. I have the model of the Soda TG done, that's why I think I will do a turntable today too.

This month was quite busy. Next to all my projects I had to search for a new apartment, build a PC and do some research to improve my work. Also I did a little vacation, which means I just played a game, haha. (I worked on my projects everyday though). The furry comic consumes alot of working hours, since I have to figure out multiple things how I want to do them. But besides that, I think I put too much time into the special interest comics. I'm too much into it and lose focus on my main projects. In future I probably will do little breaks between those special interest comics to focus more on my main projects. I try to release more single images occasionally though. In terms of my second PC: My new baby is almost done. It says the ordered graphic cards will arrive on 04/21/17. At this time I will be able to render alot faster.

P.S: I trained fur a little bit yesterday. The deer girl is the result. I hope you like her. I probably will use that race for my comics. <3




Eh things happen. :) Hope the apartment hunting didn't stress you out too much... :D Take care till next time!