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Alright guys, I plan to release at least 1 comic page today and the 3rd part of the animation.

I'm sorry that I didn't release more comic pages this month but the animations are reserving my PC. This is the reason why I try to get a second PC in march to be able to work on both all the time. Rendering animations and still doing panels for the comics. I would get a new PC right now but I'm waiting for a Nvidia announcement in 1 day, so it's slightly delayed. Apologies!

I try to release more balanced next month! When I finished the Soda TG I want to get at least some comic pages out in a short period so I will reach the point where "Between two Souls" gets some interesting animations. :P



Thanks for the update!


Nvidia announcement? They releasing a new card? :o


Poor PC... I can imaged it puttering and such over in the corner... hope the nvidia annoucment is good... the 11xx series cards maybe?


The volta gpu ? GV100 or something was is or do u mean the 1080 ti


I doubt it will be the 11xx series. Too early. I expect the 1080ti and maybe some kind of titan x, since the pascal one is out of stock at the moment


Yeah i saw that they found something i the drivers about the volta gpu on a benchmark site so i thought it would be the volta cause they re speculatin thats it card for rendering and all that stuff for visual stuf :)

Jay Man

Kool beans 👍🏻