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  • SodaTG(Part1).mp4



I'm sorry it's quite short this month. I had to setup few things, because I started multiple new projects and also got my motion capture suit. I plan to update this animation weekly next month and finish it within 2-3 weeks. Expect much more next month. Also I will continue the comic, which will have animations too at some point!

This is the first animation I used selfmade motion capturing. I hope you can see some quality difference!




Hehe I wasn't expecting any animations, at lease not so soon. :) Just don't wear yourself out friend. :D Good luck!


Amazing as usual! The gradual process of the transformation is great so far! Can't wait for the rest of this!


Having trouble downloading this on my phone. Will try on PC at home later.


Why do you always build the expectation so much.


Motion capture is working great! The hands had a little distortion flicker during the change ( noticed on the left hand more than the right). Other than that... and another good animation to the list.


Yea, it's some testing around with the options during clean up. But it already reduced the distorion flicker significantly

Silicone Raquel

Yes Yes Yes!!! Keep up the great work!

Jay Man

Feels more realistic knowing your actually doing the movements use a mirror to help in the scene also because then it just ends up being first person perspective