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  • Magic Gender Potion Shot 3 WIP 3.mp4



Magic Gender Potion Shot 3 WIP 3 has been posted on Discord and you can download it below.
Last weekend was a bit slower because I was out of house a bit longer than expected and I needed a day for "recovery" afterwards.^^
I'm currently still on schedule for a mid-march release though. I decided to split the transformation into 2 shots and it should be a total of 5 now.

Tomorrow I'll be posting new reward folders and most likely work on character designs for the next quickie poll since rendering shot 3 will take around 1-1.5 days straight.



you did an amazing job on this! i think my only issue with this, is I would like to be able to watch the breast development slowly bloom without too much camera movement, so we can enjoy the nipples growing thicker and the flat chest of his blooming into breasts. i really enjoy nice swelling without them bursting out or bouncing too much I guess.


Thanks! It's really tricky to do, especially with POV. I wanted the breast growth in 3 spurts. I can understand the appeal of having a calm and focused camera but it'd make it seem as if the character doesn't react to the changes at all.


Oh man this is looking great

"Thelo" Louis Paquin

Looking really nice! Is this planned to be a pure PoV video, or are you thinking of adding third-person shots as well? I'd love to be able to see that change from multiple angles, haha.