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First of all I won't pause the next charge. I feel a bit guilty about it but I've a bit of content I'm gonna share here and in seperate posts for higher tiers.

Patreon Change:

Patreon started offering to change the way people are getting charged. So far it was like this:

The charge always happened at the beginning of the next month. That meant if someone pledged at the very end of a month they basically got charged twice within a very short amount of time. I changed my Patreon page now to the new subscription model. The subscription model provides access to my rewards always a full month after a pledge/charge. If you subscribe during the last days of a month you won't get charged again after few days anymore but exactly one month later.

This change is manually. Some creators may still stick to the old model just to let you know. I personally made the change because I think that's without a doubt the most fair solution.


I upgraded a few things this month which are supposed to enhance my work.

  • I bought 2 Blender addons which help me to create jiggle (including collission) on basically everywhere on the body I want extremely quickly and visually pleasing and also auto generate a squish effect for clothes and collission (the bikini GIF).
  • I got a asset which replaces the rather ugly mouth of Daz assets with something more realistic


This month I basically went back to animation school (I'm not attending a real school). I still need to learn a lot in terms of animation including basics. That meant watching a lot of tutorials and doing online courses. I started learning manual face animation/lip sync (I got a short clip I'm gonna share with the gold/animation tier) but that was just the start and I want to do this frequently to improve my skills. Face animation/lip sync is one of my highest priorities right now in terms of learning because I think that's one if not the biggest element mostly missing so far which would elevate my animations significantly. There's multiple ways to do it from mocap to automated lipsync plugins but I most likely will settle for hand animation for now because I've the biggest control over the animation with that, I'm more flexible for voice actors and it generally helps me to improve animating by having to pay attention to flow and pacing.


I'm fully aware that most people follow me for my TG content and it's been lackluster this year. No worries, 'Project Chastise' and 'A Succu(lent) Bond' aren't cancelled and never will be. I learned a lot the past months and my next step will be to proceed Project Chastise. My original plan was to use the male character model to have male HD details and then switch to the female model during transformations. Well, since I know now how to have male HD details on a female model I'm gonna switch the model to female (with male shape) before the transformation. My face animation is still a bit rough but I've to start somewhere and I somewhat feel ready to proceed now and implement it into my animations.

Once again, thank you so much for your insane amount of patience and support! ❤️ More in seperate posts.

P.S.: Yes, I really love using the goblin girl as test subject. :D




The goblin girl is great and your work is always worth the wait, Surody!


Goblin girl, yes! Thank you for uploading here! aaah! love her thickness <3 Always been a fan of pear-shaped bodies and lovely work on the overall body shaping. and like I said before, I hope you do a transformation animation or sequence of a guy becoming her <3 omg.