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I have to announce that I have to delay the next batch of Afeminación a second time. I'm already on it the whole day but the next few pages take a bit longer to render because of editing reasons. 

I'm mostly limited by render time right now and it makes me regret that I didn't buy the current graphic cards generation at one point. I was planning to skip the current one and buy the next,  which was supposed to get announced end of March this year but because of Corona everything is post-poned indefinitely and I'm reconsidering my decision currently. It could take another year or more for the next generation.  The new graphics card would be around double the speed and I could use my second PC with my current GPUs again because that one is a bit too weak right now.

I'm really sorry and a bit ashamed for the delay. To be really sure I won't have to announce a 3rd delay, I'm gonna say I'll finish it the next 2 days but I'll try to get it done tomorrow.

So far I still don't see any delays for the scheduled stuff after the first batch but I'll keep you updated, as always.

Stay safe!


The undersound

In the meantime, maybe you could add one « bonus delay day » for each post. In order to keep everyone happy in case you get delayed once again... At worth you publish it one day earlier 🤷‍♂️


Not too bad of an idea but I already wrote it won't have impact on further schedules. I don't want to take back my word twice a day. 😅

Bruce W. Liu

I know I don't push my 1080ti's as hard as you but we've lived with this generation of cards this long! Whats just a little while longer? Don't feel like you HAVE to bite that expensive bullet just yet. You posted the TG Animation WIP and the Hipster Comic and it's only April 8th. You gave us different content, but still great content.


Yea, I'm really on the fence about it. I was so hyped for a new PC soonish and then Corona came... But thank you for letting me know how you feel about it.


Gotta agree with that post. Plus, it is quality work here. Understandable for it to take time to render and edit everything. You just do your thing!


How about iMac Pro? :D #justkidding