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change how I handle the poll winner comics and suggestions since it's too uncontrolled for me and I still have the issue that I don't/can't focus enough on my main project.

Here's my idea (please read fully to understand my point of view):

I want to change how I handle releases of those poll winner comics. My plan is to make daily releases (1 page a day). Currently I'm usually between 40-60 pages a month for those poll winners and that's way too much for a side project. A daily page would mean it would be capped to 30 a month and it would simultanously convey that comics longer than 30 pages transition to the next month.
I don't want to sacrifice pace and story, which means that just making shorter comics isn't really a valid option to me.
As result, there wouldn't be necessarily a suggestion post and poll every month depending on the comic length.
This would greatly relief me from pressure and I would have a fixed amount of workload on a daily basis. The rest of the day I would be able to just focus on my main projects and especially animations while a constant stream of content is assured for you  guys.

If the majority agrees to this (neutral or pro) I would like to start with this the next month.



Schedules are fine and all, and restrictions necessary. However, real life is always #1, throwing a wrench into any schedule. Likewise, an opportunity or suddenly exciting project might suddenly pull on you creatively, and is not to be ignored. My advice? Every creative plan is structure, but not law.


Yea I understand, that daily page would be more for workload limitation, it doesn't necessarily mean I would do it daily. I could pre-produce a couple pages if I want to take a day off, do something with friends or just focus on other projects completely for a couple days.


Its sounds like a good idea, even if it Spams my patreon Email inbox 😁 and i will always hope its something New for the succubus project


The best webcomic creators always have at least 7-10 pages in the can while posting "7 days behind" to allow for chaos. This is an approximation though, and that landscape might have changed since I investigated years ago.


You can always cut the polls completely and focus on your own stories.

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Ehh, one thing at a time. some people can work on 3 different projects at the same time easily, others have to focus on one thing at a time. Just do 3 poll comics, one major project, then an animation, then repeat if you ask me. I mean in sequence of course, one at a time, not all at the same time.