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A lot of artists create their own universe with some rules and certain characters reappearing in stories etc.
What do you guys think about creating my own one in the near future?

Feel also free to write in the comments what would you like to see if I create my own universe. For example would you like it to be story heavy? Should it be one main story following a common theme or a lot of different stories (anthology like)?



I’d say that something important for creating a universe is incorporating some good stories and lore into it. I’d like it to tilt to the story side but, personally, I would like to see some mystery and action. Maybe a heist person that sometimes interacts with other characters in an interesting manner. It’s your universe and your stories. I’m just pitching something to illustrate what I’m just thinking. Anyhow, good luck!


Since you have lots of magic/transformations, it could be a magic store with products witting or unwitting participants visit :) Or maybe a secret society that conducts werewolf or gender transformations for nefarious purposes ;)


Would you consider making or developing a story using the Native American two spirit concept.,,?


I love it!!! Do your thing!!!


best thing about it is you wont have to make as many new models and thus save some time there ;)


wonder if there will be cheetah girls....hmmmm


Still will have to do new models when I implement new characters :P


Yea, I don't want to rush my universe. If I go for something I want to put some thought into it first.


well, something like a magic store or society would be just a part of a universe. I'm thinking little bit larger scale :P


I like the transformations but what are only then the stories before and behind them


I like story heavy, depth, and dvelopment


Well, I like your Art and maybe if you go a little deeper it would help you feel dedicated to doing it even longer/easier (everybody has something like a "writers blockade" sometimes) I am just a little afraid that it could slow down the whole process more if you are also writing you own universe. Thus i stayed with the neutral choice.


What ever get's Surody fired up for some sweet tfs, I am in to.