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Heya guys,

it has been kinda quiet the past 2 weeks, I know. I like to be transparent and want to explain what I was up to.

I had for longer now the intention to expand my skills and tools I use. The program I use so far isn't made for animating and it can get really frustrating when you want to simulate clothes, use fluid physics or whatever involves animation. For this reason I finally made the decision this month to learn Blender, especially after I saw they released a new major update just recently which makes the program really comfortable to work with. I took some courses the past 2 weeks and learned all the basics and beyond. I also want to learn sculpting to have way more freedom in terms of transformations than I have right now. Because of that I usually sculpt at least one thing a day and study anatomy to get a grasp of that. Here's some of my shitty sculpts in case you are interested:  https://sta.sh/21l4vckkaodo?edit=1 

I also wanted to explain why I didn't animate that much recently and I think with the stuff above it's kinda  self-explanatory. The end result  is fun even with my current program, don't get me wrong but the road is so bumpy and frustrating. Animating overall is already a pretty monotonous work and using a program which isn't made for animating at all is really discouraging. It didn't bother me when I started learning the program because EVERYTHING was new but with the intention to always grow as artist I feel like I'm currently hitting a brickwall. I don't plan to stop animating at any point and I'll keep doing them with my current program as long as necessary till I feel comfortable transitioning to Blender at some point.

I want back to my roots and be more a animation artist than a comic artist. I feel like a lot of you guys follow and support me for that and I really feel the need to provide something of that category. Because of that I'll pause the next charge and focus mostly on animating next month. Those animations will be related to the Succubus Project. I'll open a seperate category on Trello where I'll post daily updates on that matter beginning on the 1st of September.

As always feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!

Thank you for your support!


Bruce W. Liu

I always like your updates for that reason, your transparency is refreshing.


oo i swee a lizardy dragon foot, makes me ponder a dragon lady tgtf someday


Na that's meant to be werewolf xD. Dragon would be probably 3 toes.