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Like announced I'm planning to rework the Poll option as a reward, since I don't think it really feels like value currently.

What I want to change:

  • I want every single poll to have more possible impact
  • It should've more  structure than before (currently the polls have a "random" feel to it)
  • The 2$ category will stay as it is (having the right to vote) but the kind of polls will change
  • There will be a new reward added to the 6.50$ tier, giving you the right to suggest short stories (keep in mind that it should be limited to a short sentence or a few tags in terms of description)
  • I will collect suggestions over a few days and create a poll from it for you guys to vote. The voting will last the whole month and the creation of the comic will start the next month and is planned to get finished within that month.

Keep in mind that this poll will be for short stories, I don't plan to make 50 pages comics from it.  There will be also some limitations in terms of what I will do and what not, but I try to keep as much freedom as possible. I have to look at how many people suggest stuff if this change will take place. If there are too many people suggesting, I probably will have to adjust the idea a little bit. Perhaps I even outsource this reward to a higher tier (not 6.50$)
This change should give polls as reward more value and you guys will have better impact on what I produce. 

 What do you think about this idea?  Let me know in the comments!



How do you want to gather/collect the suggestions? How many suggestions can one patreon of a certain pledge suggest?


I'll open a post where you can comment suggestions. Currently I plan just one suggestion with a 6.50$ pledge or higher (depends on the amount of suggestions). Perhaps the amount of votes will vary with different pledge tiers.