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I want to know if you guys prefer it if a character changes the gender forever (voluntary or forced doesn't matter) or if you prefer it temporal. Something like a ability or a curse which can be lifted for example.


Ray freezer

Big fan of the ability to turn back in a story because more opportunities for. Ore transformation


I took permanent, but a curse which can be liftet is also fine by me. ... I just dont prefer those "I change whenever i want for fun" themes that much^^


I think it's best if you mix it up with whatever story you're telling. Keeps a dynamic. Mix it up.


temporary change can be cool. like a curse or medical side effects due to pills or what not. maybe when they change they are another person entirely. they fight with each other for control at first, but soon learn to get along with each other letting them change often. maybe to the point where they can even change in front of their friends comfortably.

Mr. Phoenyxx

It's not so much that I like both. I like it to be mixed up. I like change. I don't like the same thing over and over.


I'm technically both, but I prefer temporary. Sometimes I get a little too tired of 'mind death' of people forcibly changed. When it comes to permanent I prefer people who voluntarily undergo the change.


I like the idea of someone being forced into transforming, the fear and emotion with a painful transformation too is so exciting.


For ever ist fory phantasy 1000x better! Love forced Changes Etwas wieder zurück zu verwandeln für mich persönlich macht es die ganze Atmosphäre die man sich aufgebaut hat wieder kaputt!!


I'm a fan of slow changes, where the guy remains masculine for as long as possible....the gender changes are more interesting when they are harder to hide. How is he going to explain his growing breasts/ass/cunt to his mates or hide them in public....to me once the person looks feminine he can easily hide (change name/put on a dress etc.). Maybe he's cursed to have breasts etc against his will....but he willing takes the drug to fully feminise, resigning to his fate after dealing with the humiliation


A permanent transformation has a finality to it that further enhances the impact of the change itself. Being able to turn back to normal reduces the tension. The reoccurring curse of for example a were-woman I consider a go between; yes the person changes periodically, but the curse is always there and is something they have to live with. (Personally I do enjoy it when the were-woman still gets stuck as a woman in the end) For whimsical stories, sure temporary works just fine. The one major plus side to temporary changes is that they can occur more often. More transformations is never a bad thing.


It depends on the story really


Well "forced" is where TG turns truely to a fetish.


Well, I would assume variety is always great, I'm just curious about preferences.

Melissa Brown

Permanent change. That's just how I prefer it though. But no identity death. Have the man who is being transformed into a beautiful woman learn to embrace his feminine side. You can have some struggles but eventually he learns that being a she isn't all that bad.


I would love to see a story that would tempt the character who has experienced the change with giving in to their new desires. The more they do, the more they move toward a permanent state of change. Totally giving in would be the permanent change. Haven't seen one like that yet. Or have the changes become more prounonced the more they gave in.