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Alright, where to start. This is going to be long, haha.
  • REFUNDS: First of all I want to offer another refund  for december. The lack of content is just unacceptable and I will work hard to release more consistent this year. Please write me direct message here on Patreon (NOT below this post) you would like a refund. Don't feel bad for asking or anything. I feel bad for the lack of content and there's nothing to worry about.
  • Reason for lack of content: Simple as it is,  I was missing motivation because I felt like I need to improve more and take some time for learning things I would like to have in my future animations. I spent most of the time into experimenting with clothes, hair, new tools, new programs etc. This contained alot of trial and error and eats alot of time. I would say I achieved some progress with that. I learned how to work with the plugin I use for clothes and hair, I learned a new technique for morphs and fixed all the issues I had with it. 
  •  Another reason for slowing down in terms of production: When I started producing TG content I did almost know nothing about the tools and programs I'm working with. Of course this results in a really small workflow because I can only work with what I know. Nowadays I animate way more complex, not just pushing some sliders in my main program, I also export and import into programs like Motionbuilder to have better tools to work with for better results in the end product. My mocap suit is very limited but for specific things I'm using it. It takes alot of time putting it on, setting up everything and do multiple recordings till I'm satisfied just to sit down for hours cleaning it up and exporting it back to my main program. That's just the animating part. I'm also  adding hair physics and cloth physics. Everything has to get prepared and calculated, which also takes alot of time. I'm editing and transitioning skin in a kinda complex way, using scripts and After Effects. I put alot of time into fixing mistakes like poking through clothes or some other kind of glitches which can result in re-rendering alot of frames. I want to minimize those errors as much as possible to grant the best immersion. 
  • Plans for 2018: I want to finish "A New Skin" and the Succubus project within the next 2-3 months to focus more on comic/animation hybrids again. It's really hard to deliver some quantity next to quality when the rendering of animations takes so long. After those 2 projects there will follow a animation I plan to release for all. Just like I did the past 2 years (Soda TG and Scottish Girl). I don't know what I will do with my fantasy project. I guess I need some help with scriptwriting for more story heavy projects like that. I got some people who would help with that, this means a rework could be possible. In terms of rework, I will redo some parts of the succubus animation. There are some parts where I think the quality should be higher. Especially after learning the new stuff. All this should happen within the first half of the year.
  • 9$ Pledge Tier: My original intention with that pledge tier doesn't work at all. I will delete or change this tier soonish. There's no really extra reward for this tier compared to the 6.50$ so far and I'm really sorry for that. Give me some days to think of something. I will write a seperate message to Patrons who are supporting me with this one.
  • Changing how I'll work: I feel like I work not that consistent in terms of daily hours I put into my projects. I want to fix that with fixed working times each day. This should speed up my progress and I can track better how much I did. This is also a reason why I'm getting always into some kind of crunsh time shortly before I release a project for purchase. Everytime I entered and left those crunsh times I felt really exhausted. It was always like pushing work to "later" and at the end I got more work at a time than I could bare.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading to the end. x3




Ah, the good old collision mesh errors. Really and truly, your works have always had the least amount of this problem. However, most of your transformations don't show much of the clothes moving, but they are still awesome regardless. " Keep moving forward!"


Don't worry, quality will pay off, not just for you, but also for us. Technologies are changing fast and you taking your time to learn those techniques will benefit us all. Nevertheless, I am saddened that during the time of learning and experimenting, there is no output. You could perhaps post some of your experiments as short videos? Anyway, I enjoy your work a lot and I wish you a successful, healthy and happy 2018!


Sounds like maybe its time to look into getting some assistants and expand your operations eventually into a full fledged studio? Correct me if I'm wrong, but by the way you're forming your plans you want to be a full time professional at this, right? I think the main problem is that you're putting too much on your shoulders alone. You got talent and you got ambition, both very good. But time is the element you can never get enough of, especially with monthly demands from your patrons/content consumers. Calculate risks and costs of hiring some part-timers to cut down the turnaround time for your different projects. I'm sure there are plenty of college interns (low-cost labor) who'd love to get a chance to get to work along someone of your caliber and earn some hands-on practical experience. Pardon me if I'm imposing or assuming too much. Just a thought...


Id like to see a F2M Animation or something like That :)


How much is PC hardware a bottleneck for your production? Do you spend a majority of the time waiting for the computers to render stuff? Would having lots more computing power or some kind of render farm significantly speed things up for you?


PC hardware is of course a bottleneck. More hardware power results in faster rendered animations. There's no real limit to it.