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As mentioned below I'm curious how you guys think about that coming change. I wasn't able to use the intern Poll option here because it's bugged so I created a Strawpoll.

Strawpoll link:


Feel also free to comment on this post since I'm curious what you think exactly, since the Poll question is quite superficial.




It comes out of our pocket regardless. These guys are making it more costly and therefore I am considering dropping all of my patreon accounts.


Are these "leaches" going to tell the customer?


The questions do not really cover the entire situation. I am all for content creators getting more money from the pledge, but especially for smaller pledges, Patreon is the one lining their pockets - NOT the content creator. This article has a pretty great breakdown of how ludicrous it is: <a href="https://www.pretty-terrible.com/funny-money-patreon-style/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.pretty-terrible.com/funny-money-patreon-style/</a>


No response from the "Patreon" leaches. I would hate to cut off but I think a boycott is in order!


There actually was. You should received a mail too. Check your spam. They cancelled it. I will make a post about it today.