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I put together everything for part 2 of the tanning studio TG animation and I'm adding the sound effects now. The sound effects are a little bit of work so it could be slightly delayed. I don't know if I'm able to finish it before sleep. I have 40% right now, maybe less. I will upload the short comic additions and comic pages shortly after I got the part 2 of the animation out. 

Sorry for the slight delay but it's quite usual and most of the times not avoidable. Like every month I tried new stuff and I had to face mistakes, issues and errors. For example I had to re-render 300 frames because of a script, which was meant to change the skin, didn't work as planned.

I'm thinking of creating a Trello to let you see what's planned within a month, what I'm working on currently and what's already done. I also think I could work more effectively and faster with a more detailed working schedule instead of just something rough like: I will do part 2 of that animation

 Here's a example:


What do you think about that? 



That's not a bad idea, and pretty good compromise. I approve


Trello is a good idea.


is the succubus animation also something you've been working on lately or is that on hold for now till the tanning tg is done?


Not really on hold. I will do more in september. I needed a month for the tanning studio animation so I can estimate production time better.