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Alrighty, here's part 3 of "The Succubus Dream". From a artistic perspective I'm really not happy with this part and I strongly see it as a WIP for myself. I'm pretty sure I will go back to this part later on, when I work on the fullversion. Anyway, I hope you still can enjoy it a little bit. It's actually the first animation where I tried out a new program for animating.



Feedback is appreciated and will help me to do some possible improvements later on!

And yea, the next animation part is already rendering. The Tanning Studio animation will probably receive it's next part earlier. I expect in 1-2 weeks.




Same! Like to see this one finished.


Love where this is going; hot guy, so can't wait to see him change!


For when the complete transformation? :O

Ferdinand Martinez

Well if you do rework this part again, may I suggest that you should put more attention on the feet? Because the feet were given so little attention and was over very quickly, In my opinion.

The undersound

Hope it's gonna be bigger for the 4th part... and will come more quickly :) good work anyway


bigger and more quickly is difficult. But I try my best! And thanks! :D

Ferdinand Martinez

Also another thing I suggest is that you give the legs more angles, the two angles did not do them justice.


Yea I know. I will go back to this part to make the leg change more obvious


One thing I've noticed in your animations is that the changes typically occur through fluid motions, rippling, and a rhythm of swell shrink swell shrink swell shrink etc. I think though that some of my favorite parts of your animations may be where the changes are in fact Less fluid. The breast growth shot in the soda tg i think perfectly illustrates this. I think that having changes occur through more punctuated bursts, in a staccato rhythm of swell *pause* swell *pause* swell *pause* might make it easier for the eye to follow and perceive the changes. Do you think animation depicting changes in this way would potentially be less time consuming to animate and render? Something to think about.

Krystal Vixine

I can't wait to see the end of this and new skin.


Sure would like to see this one continued