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I'm still alive, physically well and I don't plan to vanish completely. I still just struggle to balance life and work and I feel like I drag something with me for quite a while, which makes balancing the work part really tough for me. I'm really sorry for not able to deliver content more frequently and I know how it feels. I'll go a bit more in-depth about it further below. (*Work and Struggle)

I refunded a bunch of people who requested a refund the past months already a few days ago. I'll always offer refunds to everybody who feels a refund is justified. The only exception I make is first time pledges and first time Ultimater Tier pledges who get access to a lot of exclusive content.
If I missed someone who likes a refund, please let me know. If you're unsure if I refunded you already and you want to make sure, feel free to PM me and I check.
At the moment I recommend to just follow my Patreon page (It's a rather new feature where you get notified about new content without having to have a pledge). If you have privileges because you are a long-term Patron of mine where you're still at the lower pledge amount because you still pay the unconverted $ <-> € pledge, you can keep your pledge (Gold for example should be still like 6.50$ for you, I think) and I'll keep refunding.

Work and Struggle:
I still don't think it's laziness because I've no issues to commit myself to almost daily working out for fitness and physical health, short-term work and I'm also constantly trying to improve my Blender workflow, buy new tools and help bug fixing existing tools for QoL and request new features to make it easier to do exactly what I usually do. I noticed over the years that I regularly get enough energy to commit to something for like a month but then I quickly run out of it again and I can't finish my bigger projects. This started a few years ago and it got worse with each year.
Here I want to mention that the last time I did a actual vacation where I was away from my PC for longer than a few days must be at least 15 years. This brings me to the suspicion that I started developing a burn-out when I started doing TG content and while I was doing a lot of content in my earlier years and I never did anything to fully recover/reset myself from that.
I've a vacation planned for years already but because of covid it got delayed for a long time. That been said, I've a longer vacation already booked this year in October. I'm hopefully the time off from being at home will be beneficial to my mental health in the long run.

Projects and Content:
I don't have planned to do nothing until my vacation. I'll try to finish the Magic TG potion project which shouldn't be more than a month of work left but after that I want to do smaller projects which I can finish monthly until my vacation. This will also include doing smaller comics and sequences next to animations again, because comics are far less work than animations. I don't think I've the energy currently to start working on projects where I have to plan at least 2-3 months when I commit myself to it.

Anyway, I hope this was transparent enough to help you understand what's going on and what to expect. As always I'm extremely glad for your support and I'm looking forward to the day where I'll be able to provide content more consistently again.



I hope you’re able to get some much needed relaxation and recharging soon. Thank you for the update. I wish I could contribute more.

D Banks

can you refund me this month?