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If you follow me on twitter, you probably already saw these Knightmans dude before but in any case you didn't here's the link https://twitter.com/GuishadowM/status/1239659014843219968


An unknown phenomenon ended up shrinking some villages around the kingdom, only affecting humans while Knightmans were immune to whatever that was since they where another specie only resembling humans but having helmets as heads.

As know the Knightmans around and outside the kingdom area where tasked to find those shrunken victims and keep them safe on their camps of training, the thing that they didn't know was that the size those human found themself ended up creating a some sort of protective, primal, parental *and even lustful* effects on the Knightmans, and not only on Knightmans but also the shrunken humans, if they were at age they would feel a strange but nice urge to stay close to those giant Knightmans and make them pleased.

At first the Knightmans would be worried to not harm those that they were tasked to protect but one thing that they discovered later was that this shrunken phenomenon ended up making the victims extremely durable making them unable to feel pain or get hurt in general.

Now these day, each Knightman had their own one only little companion to bond, on their camp there's a tent there where Knightmans can come in with their little companions to have some wild fun for a while before the Knightmans had to go back on duty.



Mothman Jak

very very good.....