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After weeks of being forced to worship, Tomson mind finally broke and now he was just a mindless little creature that would only react to strong smell and taste of his owner/master.

While that Mr.Boris was satisfied by the results of his micro slave/toy, he could say in a few words that he was now happy.

But that happiness was short live, at work things were getting a little bad, one of his good employes was giving bad results lately, his name was Philip a 49 years old dog man, lately he was not doing his work right in which made Mr.Boris disappointed, he asked to meet him at his office to asked him what was going on, it was then that Mr.Boris discover that Philip was acting like that because a few weeks ago his 19 years old son went missing after saying he would come to the office to visit him.

Although Mr.Boris was known to be a jerk of a Boss and was not kind to his employes if they did even a small a mistake, he gave Philip a chance to try to get better but if that continue he would unfortunately have to dismiss him.

After their short meeting was ended and Philip exit the office room, Mr.Boris put the dots together and discovered that his new toy was no other then Philip son, looking down at his groin he could still feel the small licks his toy was giving on his cock, not enough to make him get a boner but enough to satisfy him, knowing that he had the son of his employe now he would for sure make the little guy worship him the double now to do when he go back home, since it was because oh him that Philip results were getting down, so in a way of saying it was the micro guy fault.


And here we have the final piece of this short tale.

Must say I really enjoyed doing it~

Mr.Boris is for sure one of the best characters I decided to create~



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