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Waking up on the Inn he spend the day, a man found himself as small as a bug, the little man decided to try and find help, he notice one door slightly open, going in he noticed what looked as a huge helmeted soldier lay down on the bed strongly snoring.

Despite it seems as a huge climb for the now shrunken man, he had to climb to at least try get this huge "knight" attention.

The best way that the shrunken man found to climb the bed was on the front side of it, where part of the bedding was touching the ground, so in a way it was easy for him to climb to the bed, the real challenge was now find a way to get to the "knight" head and try to contact him since both his legs were wide open, disabling for the shrunken man to walk on the bed side and reach the head there more easily.

So the only way now was, climbing him and walk all the way his body until he reached the helmet head, he tried to climb from the legs, but the problem was that this "knight" skin was smooth and was sweaty making it impossible to get a grip and climb, the only way the little man found to had a better grip was climbing on the white "thong" this "knight" was using, he was concern at first by doing it, but but if he ever wanted a chance to contact the "knight" for help he had to climb there.

So not wasting time he started to climb, at first it was easy, but the little man noticed that it was getting pretty hot there and to his surprise the whole bulge gave a little flick and very slowly started to grow, making him realise that somehow even at that small size he was, he somehow was able to be easily felt by the cock inside the thong, that could be an way for the little man to get the "knight" attention, but not wanting to be found in that way by the giant "knight" he decided to continue with the original plan to go to the helmet.

When he finally arrived at the top of the now semi hard bulge, he them slowly started to slide down to get to the waist side, looking back the little man noticed a "small" puddle of pre forming right on the top where he was seconds ago, then looking back at front he then noticed that whole "Oasis" that was the "knight" body, he then started to walk up, but in a minute the shrunken man realized the mistake he just did by going through his plan, the whole sking ground he was on was emanating lots of hot steamy musky air and with lots of sweat drops forming along the way up.

The little couldn't handle such pressure that only the heat and smell that the body he was on was doing, he then kneeling down, incapable of getting up, it almost looked like that the whole place was draining his energy in seconds, wondering if this was his end, with no energy left from the whole heat and musk, the shrunken man fainted...


In the morning Zoah was slowly waking up, he noticed how sweaty he was, it must had being a hot night, he grab a cloth and started to dry himself since that inn didn't have any bathroom for him to wash off.

While drying most of his upper body and getting ready to start drying the lower parts he noticed what looked like a small piece of lint right at his waist.

Using only one finger, he easily collected the "lint" by gluing on the top of the finger and he was ready to flick it away, but for some reason he decided to watch closely, he went through it and notice it looked like a bug at first, but then he noticed that it wasn't a lint or a bug at all, but rather a person, but really REALLY small, he wonder if it was dead so Zoah narrowed his eyes closer to it and noticed that the tiny person was still breathing and looked unharmed, that was a relief but it didn't look like is was awake, it seems that the tiny person was fainted, so for the time being Zoah decided to put this tiny person away for safe keeping.

The only problem was that Zoah didn't had any pockets at all to keep the little thing, so not thinking much, with his other hand he then open a little his thong and as gently as possible he then shoved his finger with the tiny person on top of it right in there, he wiggle his finger a little and just gently scratched there to make the little person fall of his finger, noticing that the little thing was now secured between his cock and balls he removed his finger from there and closed back his thong, he then proceeded to dry the rest of his body from the sweat and then went out the room and out of the inn, he would had to deal with the tiny person later he had work to do, for now at least the little thing was safe in there.


So this is the result of the Zoah piece that won the poll, with a little story along with.

Man I loved doing this, the character is great!

Hope you guys enjoy~

Until next poll~



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