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Hey there folks, passing by to say that a few days ago I was feeling quite sick, with a soring throat and feeling weak.

But now I'm feeling better then before, and also want to tell you all that next month will finally be the time were I move to a new home!

So just to let everyone knows that for the time being I'll probably be out of wi-fi for a while when I move and everything is finally done in the new home. (that's only IF next month I'll for sure finally be able to move and nothing else happens.... things have being quite annoying about this situation in my end here...)

Also being thinking and I decided I'll be posting my content monthly in a good amount at once, and I'll pause the upcoming billing cycle on April (only if I finally be done with the moving on March and I still have no wi-fi.) remembering that even if I stop the upcoming billing cycle on Abril, new pledges will be charged during this time if they decided to become new patrons so be warned.

Thanks everyone for the attention and support, hope you all will enjoy my future content.

Thanks again and everyone have a good day!


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