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A strange phenomenon started to happen some years ago, a some sort of "disease" that shrink people until they where only 2 cm tall started to happen around the whole world, no one seems to know how it started and what was the cure for it and it seems that every time someone shrunk the clothes that they were wearing at that moment also would shrunk with them and that they were extremely resistance and almost pliable making them quite invincible even being at that small state of their size.

Here we follow a short story of a 19 years old College student named Tomson a anthro golden retriever that was going to visit his father at his work on the office when suddenly when he reached the front of the office building he shrunk.

Panicked he needed to somehow find a way to get into the building and find his dad for ask for help, when suddenly a huge shadow enveloped him in the form of huge brown fingers that closed around him in seconds imprisoning him.

Someone notice that he shrunk and caught him, from the closed hand prison he could barely see who caught him but he saw that whoever it was entered the building and after some elevator travel and more walking the huge stranger finally opened his hand making the small Tomson finally saw who was his capturer and was shocked when he saw a huge older Boar man in which from what he remember was his father boss from the office complex.


He couldn't express how much lucky he got that day, while Mr.Boris the 57 years old Boar was coming back from his break, he saw a young canine man on the front entrance of the building suddenly shrinking to 2 cm, not thinking twice he quickly grabbed the confused shrunken dog while no one was watching and brought him back to the building to his Office room, when he reaached there he sitted down on his chair and open his hand to take a look on his prize, he noticed it looked like a golden retriever young man in college uniform, guessing he would have 20 years old or so and somehow he almost looked familiar, he didn't express any reaction but deep down he was extremely excited, he always wanted to get his hand on a shrunken person and use them as toys for his own sadistic pleasure.

He knew how much they were resistent and thought on how it would be great to use them for his own pleasure, but when a shrinking case happened there were always some familiars or friends that would help them and bring them to a special facility that take care of shrunken victims, so he never got a chance to get one... until now he finally have one right on his hand, he was getting harder just by looking at the frightening look from that small canine and thought on what to do firt with his new toy~


This will be a small serie I'll develop this month, I hope you guys enjoy this first part.




Can't wait for the next part


Glad you like it, it'll be a short image series, I hope everyone enjoys it~