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In the past few days, I have not had time to development. Due to the fact that our government again made some shitty things, so the price of the ruble fell and most of the goods in our country went up in price (videocard I want to buy went up in price by 2000 rubles in one day!). So I had to devote more time to the main work. Also, besides these problems, I managed to wake up sick today. Nothing serious, but I think that I can’t work today.
But there is good news. I try to spend all my free time learning how to work better on Renpy. I learned a couple of things that will allow me to improve my games in the future.

I also decided to create an account on donationalerts, so if someone wants to donate to me, they can do it.

Thanks for attention, take care of yourself and don't forget to wash your hands often.


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