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loooool - what a great and sophisticated way of "verifying" users for $8 😂 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/eli-lilly-stock-takes-a-dip-after-verified-twitter-imposter-says-insulin-is-free_n_636ebe25e4b02901364207cb https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/10/tesla-verified-parody-account/ https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-suspends-paid-verification-blue-checkmarks-sign-ups-trolling-report-2022-11?op=1 ... list can go on. clearly nobody could get around it 😂


I'm in Nelson, BC. BC electricity is about 95% hydro, making EVs a very clean option. We have a provincial carbon tax - incidentally started by a conservative premier, Gordon Campbell. As Canada now has a federal carbon tax for those provinces that don't have a provincial one, the whole carbon tax argument is no longer relevant to EV adoption rates, IMO. BC is far from "Green" and far from "liberal", "hippy", or anything similar. In fact our government, called New Democratic Party, and nominally "left" of center, is deeply embedded in the fossil fuel industry. When the (conservative) BCLiberals lost an election to the (slightly less conservative) BC NDP, the fossil fuel lobbyists just switched who they were lobbying. Enormous LNG plants in the planning stage were continued, in spite of BC NDP, while in opposition, being opposed to their construction. Now, to try to "be all things to all people" The NDP has offered generous incentives to EV purchasers while continuing building LNG plants and subsidizing fracking operations.