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Compare his comments to Ms. (em) Bara or Diess.


https://youtu.be/DPDzRJ8RNXM Goods to Person (GTP) Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) systems have been in use for years. This robot from Amazon appears to be identical (in concept and capability) to AMRs available from a number of companies. Along with robotized racking systems and robots that can pick single items from a bin on a shelf, AMR GTP systems can automate warehouses to the point where humans no longer go into the storage areas. These systems can decrease or even eliminate aisle ways between racks, greatly reducing the square footage needed to hold a required amount of product. As robots like this can work in the dark a substantial amount of money can be saved by turning out the lights in automated portions of the warehouse. With robotization increasing, it won't be too many years before humans are no longer needed to pick, package and ship product from warehouses.