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please i worked so hard to make it nicer LMAO

Howdy! As stated in the last update, I've completely revamped the Discord server to now focus more on a Patreon-driven existence as a creator, with vtubing streams being the added side gig.

Discord is personally much easier to upload and interact on than Patreon, and frankly the UI for Patreon is kinda yucky for me lol.. While I'm not a huge artist, this also adds an extra step to do a bit of future proofing for content exporters if it ever found its way to me for some reason. On top of that, it's easier to manage membership and access all in one spot.

If you need to linked your Patreon account, please go to https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps to link it. Sometimes, Discord and whatever it's communicating with can take a bit to sync up and the Patreon bot is known to be a bit slow. Please be patient!

You also have the option to swap your sub from Patreon to the server equivalent (Minus Arch Daemons because Discord won't let me have 4 tiers :^( ), but if you do, it's recommended to do so via the browser/desktop app if you are an iOS user to avoid the Apple inflation.

Why should I join as a Patron?

✧ If you haven't been a server member this entire time, you've been missing out on some of the benefits I provide! You get access to our community Minecraft server, VRChat meetups, and private stream announcements MUCH easier.

✧ It is easiest for me to communicate on Discord, where I frequent daily, rather than having to hop back and forth between platforms to echo announcements left and right.

✧ We are a close-knit community of chill folks with similar interests and a desire to help each other grow! If you are an artist of any kind (2D, 3D, musician, writer, etc), we have people of similar interest who can relate to you!

How does this server work?

✧ As a subscriber, either through Patreon or Discord, you gain access to participate in the whole of the server, and those of Daemon tier and up get access to the suggestion box!

Twitch Subs and Server Boosters also gain access to participate in the wider server, but some channels are specifically Patreon/Discord tier only.

Public Chat* is a place for people who aren't quite sure yet how much they want to commit to the inner community we've built. They can still talk with each other in the channel, but cannot send links or images/files. They can see the rest of the server save for hi rez art, suggestion box, meetups, minecraft, and cannot join the lounge and gaming VCs. This serves as a bit of a taste-test before putting any money into something they might not end up feeling is a good fit.

*This area is provided as a courtesy by me, and will be removed if abused.


Below are some screenshots of the server so you can see what to expect (from the view of a trial member).

Any issues you find with the using the server, please submit a ticket at #help-tickets.

We are all looking forward to seeing you there!


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