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Alright here it is... so far.

Sorry if you guys were expecting more on the first month. Honestly I got stuck for quite a bit because I was too indecisive about what coloring style I wanted. I'm also trying to avoid rushing this so I'm taking my time with each pages and try to have as much fun as I can in the process. I feel this just leads to a much better result in the end.

That said, with the groundwork set, I'm expecting a much smoother progress going forward. Gonna have more pages done in the next one, working on the 4th page right away.

So going into this, I wanted to avoid exposition dumping and try to get a bit of the "action" on display. A little tease of the main course I guess to get the reader's attention. And yeah, as you may have noticed, I changed a bit of Max's character. Also, Tatiana is the one narrating the story. Let me know what you guys think so far.




You really delivered a nice hook with the story. A great way to make the audience guess how Max and Tatiana even got together in the first place if they are going to do it in an empty classroom. Btw nice choice too. It makes it very risky of them to do it ^^

andy mandy

I think this is a great start, I'm not great at making comments but I just like seeing the next development for those two