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Hey guys. I'm sick...-.- Not how I wanted to start the month...

Anyway, here's a character I've never done before (Reagan Ridley from Inside Job) and a body type I don't draw very often.

So I got some stuff I'd like to do this month. First and foremost, I'm gonna try to start working on my comic again. I finished the new script and I'm ready to give it another shot. I don't know how many pages I'll be able to make in this whole month, especially when I'm not exactly feeling very well, but I'll try to finish as much as I can.

See you guys later, and take care :)



Tye Tass



Hope you get better dude. Please take it slow


Dont know if i commented on this or not but this comic is great and i can't wait for the eventual continuation of this comic in the future!