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Hey fellas, here's a bunch of wips of what's coming this month.

First wip, the usual miscellaneous stuff I do with characters I like. A continuation of the 100 Days with Alex. It's half of a full page which supposed to tell a story...something really stupid that my weird brain came up with...

And the other three are sketches of my comic. Yep, finally gonna do it. I started the project way back in October last year but progress stalled due to some irl stuff. Now, with all my commissions out of the way, my debts settled and my favors done, I can finally get this under way. Lot of stuff I wanna do when this is over...

I initially wanted to do a full cover art to announce my comic but I decided to save that idea for when the entire project is finished. So I'm going with a simple title card for the time being. "Good Intentions" is the title of my project, the name may be subject to change in the future.

I'll be going by what the majority of you have suggested and post my comic in separate parts, four to be exact. Part 1 will be finished this month, it will have 6 pages (subject to change). Admittedly it's the most uninteresting part of the whole comic because it's the "setup"; little action, primarily just dialogue. Which is why I'm hoping to finish Part 2 in the same month as well. Part 2 has 11 pages (again, subject to change) focused a lot on foreplays and quite of bit of "action" to make up for what Part 1 lacked.




Heck yea! I'm excitedddd :3


oh fuck yeah the big comic is finally coming, so excited for it


Awesome post dude


Really excited to see the finished product. Please keep up the work and don’t be discouraged by anything that might go wrong or get in your way. You’re awesome!!