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January release is wrapped up!

Invites are going out and remaining support files will be uploaded this week.

This release makes me want to do another where I can focus on more creature types. This theme WILL happen again, this year for sure.

I had testing a practice I had to do to try and get the sculpts in a style that felt like it could relate and loosely match HR Gigers work. He has such a variety but at the same time, it felt very easy to fall off the style and just make something with too much randomized detail. In the end I think I wasted about 20 hours deleting pieces and reworking them. I hope you all enjoy these pieces. Like I said, this theme will happen again.




Hey! I was checking to see if the invites for MMF have been sent out yet?


Still waiting for invites. Can't find anything in spam.


Hey Jon, I just did a round of invites, please message me if you dont see it in your inbox or spam folder.