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Hey Everyone,

I want to first take a moment to thank you all for the trust you've put in me to give you a "good" release..at least I HOPE you all are still happy with my content. 

Everyone that sticks around or comes back during the month, well, it amazes me and Im kinda at a loss for words. 

You all allow me to set up and work with some amazing illustrators to bring some really nice pieces into the 3D print world. Which is something I never thought I'd be able to do.

-Octobers release, Ill be working with Liam Kochakji! Release called "WTF is that" !HIS WORK CLICK!

-Novembers release will be "War Forged" themed and Decembers release will be "Spell Jammer" themed.

-AND January release, Ill be Working with RJ Palmer again, on some realistic pokemon. !HIS WORK CLICK! 


---I wanted to be sure everyone knows where all the assets are, how to get them, and when they are coming----

-60+ welcome pack (30gbs worth of files hosted on MMF. Make sure you have an account to grab that pack)

-September STL File release: September 5th

-September Lychee/ Support STL File release: September 9-10

-Module/ Storyline (Last one before the pause in modules) September 25-26th



Hasn't been a single release I havnt wanted to print and paint some of them, I got no complaints here other than you are costing me a fortune in resin and paint ;) plus you inspired me to re-learn blender and im hopefully starting a business making low cost gaming tiles and terrain.... when I get around to finishing the prototypes 😅


Checking on the status of the stat block/ story line for this month.