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Because Ive had so many people wondering, Im going to go ahead and let you all know who Im working with on October release.

 Me and "The Fluffy Folio"/ Michael Habiger are doing a collab for Octobers release. Ive paid for the rights to use up to 20 of his illustrations and the stat blocks to go along with them. 

The theme "Adorable Nightmares" is going to include a true rendition of his illustrations in 3D form and a creepier and monstrous, alter ego version. The alter egos will be much larger and creepier. 

Heres a link to his instagram and he actually has a patreon as well. Check his stuff out everyone, I'd love to do future stuff with him! Hes been a pleasure to talk with, the past 3 weeks and I cant wait to show you all what's in store for the release!






i'm looking forward to this


SO hyped for this!!